creative ways to organize your kitchen

Simplify Your Space with These Fantastic Tips for an Organized Kitchen

There are a few habits that you should adopt in order to keep your kitchen clean and organized.  Perhaps, you have your own routines.  However, these tips from Simplify Your Space will guarantee that your kitchen will always be tidy and organized.  Make sure to adopt them as daily habits.

Throw Away Peelings or Scraps Immediately

Put waste directly into the garbage bin to keep your countertop clean when chopping or peeling vegetables.  This will help you save time.  You can also get an over-the-door garbage bag holder, so you can collect waste while you chop and peel vegetables.

Throw Away Peelings or Scraps Immediately

Wash Chopping Board and Knives Immediately After Use

You should also wash the chopping board or knives immediately after use.  Otherwise, the food residue will dry up after some time, and it will be harder to wash or clean them later.  Leaving the knives dirty will attract bacteria as well.

Wash Your Blender Immediately After Use

Usually, people are lazy when it comes to cleaning their blenders.  It is important to wash your blender immediately after using it.  Do not let the food residue accumulate and dry up.  It will be harder to clean them up when they’ve accumulated on the blade.  They can be difficult to clean, and they leave stains on the blade.

So, after use, make sure to pour water with a few drops of dish soap and turn your blender on.  This will help clean your blender easily without any effort.  Now, you can just rinse it with normal tap water, and then leave it to dry.

Keep Food Containers and Dishes in their Storage after Use

Keep Food Containers and Dishes in their Storage after Use

Always return your food containers and the dishes you used to their designated cabinets or storage areas after use.  This will help prevent unnecessary clutter on your Kitchen Island or countertop.

Wipe Your Oil Dispenser, Spice Containers, and Fridge Handle After Cooking

Clean your oil dispenser, spice containers, and fridge after you are done cooking.  Oftentimes, we touch these items numerous times when cooking, and they get stained with food.  Quickly wipe them clean to avoid difficult-to-clean mess later on.  Also, if you do not want to see cockroaches, rats, and pests in your house.  So, make sure to wash your utensils to avoid this problem in the future.

Rinse Soap Container and Scrubber after Washing Utensils

It is ironic, but the nastiest dirtiest thing that you can find in your kitchen is actually the same thing that you use to clean your plates and utensils – the scrubber. It is important to clean the scrubber, or it will attract bacteria and foul smell.  Scrubbers often have lots of food residue, so you need to rinse it out after using it.  Leave it to air dry afterwards.

You can also disinfect your scrubbers by soaking it in hot water.  Ideally, use those microfiber cloths and sponges as scrubbers. They are efficient when it comes to cleaning dirty plates and kitchen utensils. They area also easy to clean, and they dry fast.  You can also clean them once with a detergent and soak them in hot water.  This way they won’t attract bacteria or other unwanted pests which you definitely do not want to see in your kitchen.

Never Place Wet Dishes in the Cabinet

After washing dishes, make sure to never place them in your wooden cabinet.  Water can ruin your cabinets.  It can also stain white drawers and cabinets.  Wait for them to air dry before arranging them in your cabinets.  Always store your dishes properly.

Clean the Kitchen before Going to Bed

Clean the Kitchen before Going to Bed

Make sure to clean your countertops and kitchen tiles before going to bed.  Cover and store leftovers properly. Sweep your kitchen floors to keep unwanted pests away from your kitchen.  It also feels good to see your kitchen clean.  You wouldn’t have to start your day all stressed out. This helps maximize efficiency and speed in the morning as you prepare everyone for school and work.

Place Floor Mats near the Sink

Make sure to place a floor mat near the sink area.  This helps catch drips and spills from the sink while you wash dishes and kitchen utensils.  Always keep a kitchen towel near the sink, so you can dry your hand properly before you touch grains, veggies, and other cooking ingredients.  The smallest amount of moisture can ruin dry uncooked grains and veggies like onions and potatoes.  

Use a Garbage Bag in Your Garbage Bin

Make sure to put a garbage bag in the garbage bin to keep your bin clean.  It is also easier to throw away your thrash.  Get a bin with a hook, so you can just easily tie the bag, so it won’t slip off when you throw garbage in it.

Immediately Throw Away Tea Leaves

One of the dirtiest things that you can see in the kitchen is the tea strainer after use.  Make sure to throw away the tea leaves in your waste bin after straining your tea.  Of course, there are other ways to use leftover tea leaves. Wash your strainer immediately to avoid buildup of dried pea resides later on.  This residues cause the black stain in your strainer, which can eventually result to cross-contamination.  Also, make sure to fill up the water in your tea pan before putting it in the sink.  It will be easier to clean later on.

Don’t Use Plastic or Steel Scrubbers on Teflon Utensils

Don’t Use Plastic or Steel Scrubbers on Teflon Utensils

Plastic or steel scrubbers on Teflon are an absolute no-no!  It will peel off the skin, and it can be harmful if ingested with food items.  Make sure to use only wooden spoons while cooking with Teflon utensils.

Avoid Using Plastic Items for Cooking or Storage

It might be a good idea to avoid using nonstick items for cooking or storing food.  They can pose as serious health hazards.  These cooking utensils tend to make lives easy, but only if they are kept in proper shape and condition.

Never ever reuse mineral water bottles to store your water in.  These bottles are made of low quality plastic, and they can be used once only.  Don’t use them as glass bottles.  They aren’t BPA-free, good quality plastic bottles.

Place Plastic Mats in Cabinets and Fridge

Make sure to place plastic mats or dining table mats in the cabinets and fridge.  It will help protect the fridge and cabinets from accidental spillages and stains.  It is easier to remove mats and clean them rather than cleaning the entire fridge and cabinets repeatedly.

One of the most overlooked kitchen appliances is the microwave.  Any leftover stains and spillages can cause cross contamination.  Make sure to wipe your microwave immediately if you see any stain.  This won’t take much of your time.  Do a deep cleaning once or twice in a month.

Store Food Items Properly

Do not leave snack packets open.  Clip them immediately after opening, or place them in a container to avoid wastage and accidental spillage.  When you hit the grocery, make sure to organize everything right away.  Transfer the grains in the designated containers.  Keep the rest of your stocks in your pantry cabinets.

Store shopping bags properly.  We always forget to carry old shopping bags along with us when we go shopping.  We end up buying more bags, which then takes up so much space in the kitchen.  The best way to carry your bags is to fold it properly first.

Clear the crease from the back of the bag, and then fold it from both sides and bring them in the center.  Start folding into a triangle from the bottom to the top.  When you reach the top, insert the handle into the pocket.  See, how neat it looks now.  The best part about this is that it does not take up too much space to store when they are folded neatly like this.  Now, you can carry three or four bags in your purse when you go shopping.
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