how to stay decluttered

How To Stay Decluttered? Top Tips for Maintaining Neatness

Decluttering your home daily might be a chore, but it doesn't have to consume all of your time. Having a clean house has less to do with the amount of time used up in cleaning and more to do with developing healthy habits that will help you keep your home clean and neat at all times!

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American spends more than one hour each day cleaning their home. Learning how to maintain a house clean might be one of the most challenging things you might have to learn, what with job, errands, parenting, and the craziness of everyday life.

While it may be hard to handle everything on your plate at times, there are a few quick and easy ways to keep your house (and your life) in order.

There are things that you can do to ensure that your home stays clean at all times:

clean home

How to Stay Decluttered All the Time

Make the Bed As Soon as You Get Up

Making the bed may seem like a waste of effort to some, but it does make a difference in how neat the room appears and only takes a few minutes. Plus, I believe it's a nice way to start the day, and you'd enjoy slipping into a freshly made bed at the end of the day.

Make your bedding as simple as possible to make things easy. You probably do cut out your top sheets anyway. Often, they end up at the end of the bed. Most people use the duvet and cover when they sleep. Of course, if you love your top sheets, you can look at using a few pillows on your bed or just use a large duvet or converter, so you won't have to do some tucking.

Load Up Your Laundry Every Day – One Load Per Day!

You may not need to do this every day, depending on how many loads you generally do each week, but you should go through at least 7 loads every week. Be sure to do a single laundry load before you leave for work in the morning.

If you work outside the home and won't have time to dry your laundry out before you leave, you could set your washer on delay mode, so your laundry will be ready to be placed on the dryer as soon as you get home.

You can also choose to put the load in the washer first thing in the morning, and then you can just start it later when you get home. Be sure to have enough time for finishing your load, folding your clothes, and putting them away.

It Doesn’t Have to be “Perfectly” Clean

If you are a perfectionist, you probably want your house to be spotless!
Of course, people want their house to be neat, but it doesn't mean everything has to be immaculate.

It will be easier if you observe the 80/20 rule. Be happy if you have done 80 percent of the cleaning. Getting caught up in the remaining 20%, such as making sure every speck of dust is wiped up off the floor or dusting all of those hard-to-reach or hidden spots can be quite stressful.

This would just eat out your time. You would be spending so much time on things that no one probably notices. Of course, they still need to be cleaned, but the 20% doesn't need to be a part of your regular cleaning schedule.

Get Everyone Involved in Cleaning

house chores

Yes, it is generally faster to simply do the task yourself, but taking the time to teach your children how to do age-appropriate tasks can benefit both of you in the long run.

Begin with having your children tidy up after themselves — putting their coats and shoes away as they enter the house, loading the dishwasher, cleaning their room, and so on – and gradually add extra chores that the kids can do. It's remarkable how much of a difference will this make in the overall tidiness of your home.

You'll probably need to keep an eye on your kids for the first few weeks, but this will become a habit for them as well, and they should ultimately be able to do their tasks with little reminders.

Do Small Nightly Clean-Up

Make it a habit to complete a 15-minute family clean-up every night. Cleaning up doesn't seem as awful when everyone else is doing the same thing. Set a timer and focus on the most important cleaning tasks.

While you finish up cleaning the kitchen or putting away freshly-laundered clothes, the kids can tidy their rooms or perform other small chores. Start with the things that are causing the most chaos or clutter, as well as any "must-do's" that need to be completed before bedtime.

Declutter and Use Organizers

This one may take a little longer to execute, but spending the effort to declutter and organize your house can substantially reduce the amount of time it takes to clean.

Having a place for everything that is both easily accessible and easy to put away makes cleaning up so much easier — for you and your family. Less stuff on the countertops and the tabletops means less dusting and faster cleaning.

Be sure to grab storage boxes that you can use for your home. We recommend our Clear Display Case Storage Box with Drawers. Although you can primarily use them to store your sunnies, you can also use them to store and organize other small items.

Clear Display Case Storage Box with Drawers

Sunglasses, sunglasses, and specs should be properly cared for so that you may use them for a longer period. You can't just throw them in your bag or purse and forget about them. They may be dented or ruined. They will almost certainly be exposed to extreme temperatures or will collect dust and filth.

Primo Supply's 4-Drawer Organizer Rectangle Sunglasses Holder is ideal for people with blurred vision or who wear sunglasses all the time. For sunglass collectors, it's a must-have. The organizer includes four compartments of similar size that may hold a variety of glasses.

This acrylic glass display case storage box with drawers has smooth sliding drawers. The box may be stacked and is stable horizontally and vertically. You can use these drawers to store other small items as well.

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